Patrick Barrett

General Manager

Mr. Barrett has been employed in the natural resource field since 1993. He joined EcoAnalysts in 2005, specializing in general taxonomy of aquatic invertebrates. Since 2005 he has served EcoAnalysts in several different capacities including managing laboratory operations, project management, and is highly experienced in field work focused on invertebrate, algae, and fish collection. He is currently located in Madison, Connecticut and working on business development and providing field and consulting services. He is a member of the Society for Freshwater Sciences and has current SFS (NABS) taxonomic certifications in EPT-East and West. 

Before joining EcoAnalysts, Mr. Barrett worked for two and a half years as a research assistant in the insect physiology lab at the University of Idaho. His research investigated aspects of both mating behavior and the physiological mechanisms involved in controlling that behavior in Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes. Prior to that, he worked as a fly-fishing guide/instructor in southern Idaho for several years. He also worked with the Audubon society on wetlands issues relevant to the Clean Water Act. 


MS (Entomology) University of Idaho
BS (Natural Resources) Cornell University